Puppy Don't Go, 2017
with Hanna-Maria Hammari
interactive installation, mixed media (mobile devices, augmented reality application, clay, steal, artificial hair, chicken wire, laser print, wood, spray paint, retractable dog leashes)
the division of labor was such, that HmH made the sculptures and I made the AR app. nevertheless, we create the concept and arranged the space together and consider the room installation one work. some of the sculptures are rendered in the app as well.
The viewers would walk around the space looking at the sculptures and everything else (the world) thru the lens of the app with rather monstrous dog balloons floating around and exploading when tapped. some of the topics we talked about while working on this were self-help (-less -ness), surrogacy, dislocation, nostalgia, and the sensation that we find common for children and artists to create for oneself the thing that one lacks (that of course goes askew).